Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Am I always this happy?

The answer to the question in the title of this blog is no, I am not always this happy.  I say that because this blog is all about sharing my story and showing people how happy you can be and how normal you can be, but it is also ok to be sad and upset or even angry.  Obviously not all the time, but sometimes you need to let out your emotions. 

Sometimes it really is ok to cry.  It's better to let it all out then keep it bottled in which is what I used to do and that always ended badly because I would blow up on the wrong person or during the wrong situation.  I still sometimes get down on myself whether it be the "normal people" problems or problems associated with my epilepsy.  Sometimes it does really get frustrating because I can't do the things normal people do.  I can't stay up until 7 am in the morning and be completely ok to go about my day, no I have to make sure I have enough sleep and my medication is taken on time.  Living with epilepsy is twice the battle because you deal with your every day problems and your epileptic problems. 

Even though all of this does get me upset sometimes and I'm not always 100% myself I push through it.  I have to, being happy with this condition is half the battle.  Actually living with it is the other half.  I know this happened for a reason and I'm embracing it.  I think it actually might have saved my life.  I'm still learning how to go about my days but it's working out for me!

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