Friday, May 3, 2013

Wo shi huan!

That right there is Mandarin, it means “I like.”  I’ve been trying to learn it at work because I work for an Asian company and I want to learn the language.  I’ve been trying my hardest and so far, so good.  I really like working with people from a different culture because it makes life so much more interesting.  I’m American by birth but Polish by background, so I’m already part of two cultures and now I’m learning a third.  The Asian culture is very interesting.  I actually received gifts from four different coworkers this week.  I received a jade bracelet from my supervisor, a jade Buddha, female Buddha, and rabbit (I’m year of the rabbit) from the girl whose cubicle is next to mine, a necklace from my mentor aka my go to person, and a candle from the girl who works in the same area as me but with different products.

It’s so nice to receive gifts.  I’ve never gotten a gift just because so I was shocked.  Plus it’s just the fact that they thought about me.  

See, there are decent people in the world still.  I like to tell my stories about my daily activities because I want to teach people with epilepsy that it is ok to be different and if you use it in a positive way you can achieve so much more.  Plus, I do a lot to keep my mind off things and even if it takes learning a new language.  It gives me something to stay motivated for and it gives me discipline.  I highly recommend doing something different (and safe of course)!

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