Friday, May 17, 2013

People can be so cruel.

I know that yesterday I mentioned that I have other blogs that I post in.  Well this is also something that I will post in my fashion blogs but I feel that this is relevant to other people not just fashion addicts.
I’ve also talked about how I was made fun of growing up, but for some reason I feel like nowadays it’s even worse.  You hear about all of these different stories in the news about kids killing themselves because they couldn’t take it anymore.  A lot of people are saying that the internet has something to do with it and I am going to say I have to agree.  Put a computer in front of someone and they automatically feel like a tough guy on the internet.  I’ve seen lots of cruel posts on social networks and it makes me wonder what is going to happen to the generations to come or even my own?
The reason why I am writing about this is because what someone had told me yesterday.  She is my mentor and friend.  She is Asian and told me how growing up she was made fun of for being Asian.  First of all I think Asian women are drop dead gorgeous, they are so elegant and have you seen how great they age???  Secondly even though I am Caucasian and I easily blend in with the majority of people I was made fun of as well for being Polish. 
My friend had told me about something she saw on a blog the other day.  She follows a makeup blog specifically for Asians because they do their makeup differently than I would and they are limited with what they can do.  She said the author had posted a video from YouTube that has been officially banned about a Caucasian girl talking about how “ugly” Asian girls are and how she doesn’t see any beauty in them and how she just hates them.  Um, what????!!!!
When she told me about this I was outraged.  How can someone say something like that???  What makes it worse is that it was a Caucasian girl so I am ashamed that she has made the rest of us who don’t agree with her look like monsters.  If anyone is ugly it would be her personality and if you don’t have a good personality or heart then even if you might be the prettiest girl appearance wise your heart just made you the ugliest woman alive. 
I am sorry if I sound harsh or if I offend anyone, but the honest truth is everyone is beautiful no matter what color, size, or shape you are.  Thank you for hearing me out on this, I’m sure more people are outraged by this as well.  Sometimes I wonder if I’m meant to live on a different planet or something.

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