Sunday, March 24, 2013

Lonestar State, HERE I COME!

Well everyone, the day has come when I can finally go back to Texas!  I know this doesn't really have too much to do with my epilepsy besides the fact that I'm not letting it hold me back.

Here is a background on Texas, and why it's important to me.

A long time ago for some reason I really wanted to go to Texas.  Something kept telling me that I HAVE to go to Texas.  Well at the time I was engaged and I kept asking my fiance if he could transfer down to Texas with work.  We were extremely young and needless to say the engagement was broken off.  I picked myself up after the break up and decided I'm going to Texas.  I tried looking for jobs in Texas for the longest time.  Then I met some people who were from Texas and I got to know them.  We become really close friends and after about a year of knowing them and two years after the break up I bought a ticket to Texas.  I stayed with my friends while I found a job.  After only a week I found a job, it wasn't the greatest, but it was my ticket there.

I came back home for a week, packed up my stuff, and moved down to Texas.  Unfortunately life happened and a lot of things happened that caused me to question if I should come back home.  I talked to my parents and we felt it was best that I come home, also my parents felt more comfortable if I was closer to home or if i wasn't living alone as a just in case with my epilepsy.

I came home, things calmed down, and I started my hunt for THE job, not just A job.  I finally found my dream job after a few months of being back home.  Now, they are sending me to Texas on business.  I think it's amazing that I've come such a long way, and Texas is still following me.  There's something about that Texas, I "reckon."

I know everything happens for a reason.  This is one of those things that happens for a reason.  Just like my epilepsy.  I wonder what my life would have been like without the epilepsy?  Would I have partied in college like most kids?  Would I have ended up at a different college?  Would I have went away or commuted?  Would I be where I am today?  Would I be as happy as I am?

I have a feeling that I was given epilepsy for a reason.  It happened so I would have focused on different things in life, or just in general.  Maybe it was so I could talk to a computer and hope some people can read and maybe relate or feel better.  Either way it wasn't just because.  I know for a lot of people it may feel like that in the beginning, but each of us has our own story.  Some stories are more intense than others, but we are all here to help each other cope.  With that being said I can't say it enough that if anyone ever needs someone just to hear them out, I'm all ears. 

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